New disruption in digital marketing landscape drives innovation in Jahia brand experience
Digital marketing has evolved; we are now in the seventh generation. No longer is digital marketing a matter of web content management systems or even web experience management with basic analytics. Today’s savvy leaders in digital enterprise know that it is about managing the entire set of interactions a customer has over the course of their lifespan with a brand.
That means that digital marketing is responsible for the entire digital experience a customer has with a brand starting with the first glimmers of awareness through brand advocacy. Focusing on acquisition is not enough because that is just the beginning of the relationship; it is what happens after acquisition that matters for long-term success.
To clarify, there was the first generation of digital marketing, comprised of four stages, where the focus was on establishing a brand presence on the Web for purposes of corporate identity, corporate marketing, product marketing ,and basic publishing of information and limited transactional services. With heads of Marketing under pressure to move from bricks to clicks and not become a dinosaur in the emerging digital era ushered in with the advent of the Web, it was all about Moving Business to the Web.
Stage 1: The Webmaster. Make it easy for a tech-savvy person to create a site. Examples: Allaire Coldfusion, NetObjects [1996-1997]
Stage 2: The Web Team. Enable multiple tech-savvy people to collaborate on a basic site. Examples: Vignette, FutureTense [1997-1998]
Stage 3: Breaking the Webmaster Bottleneck. Distributed authoring and publishing for marketing, with centralized production control. The dawn of Web Content Management (WCM). Examples: Interwoven [1999-2003]
Stage 4: Enterprise Web Content Management. WCM extended for use on commerce, extranet and intranet sites. Examples: Interwoven, Stellent, Documentum [2003-2007]
Second-generation digital marketing, where the focus was on web experience management with some targeting and basic analytics, had two stages focused on the CMO’s transformation from brand marketing to demand marketing and leveraging data to increase effectiveness of marketing-spend tied to pipeline generation and revenue growth. In this stage, with CMOs facing a do-or-die moment under pressure from both CEOs and CFOs to show return on marketing investment, Agility Mattered.
Stage 5: Brand and Demand. Basic targeting, segmentation and analytics tied to mobile and social experiences for CMOs to drive customer acquisition over the Web - or lose their job. The dawn of Web Experience Management (WEM). Examples: Day Software / Adobe, Tridion [2008-2011]
Stage 6: Enter the Marketing Cloud. Integration of WEM solutions into broader digital marketing stacks for email marketing, social marketing, optimization and web analytics. Examples: Day Software / Adobe, Sitecore, Acquia [2012-2015]
Now we are in third-generation digital marketing, where the focus is not just customer acquisition but, instead, is about the full range of customer experience including what happens post-login and each and every employee experience that supports the customer experience both pre- and post-sale. In the digital mastery race, it is those companies that move faster to innovate the customer experience and manage the customer journey that will win. This wave is about Digital Agility Now.
Stage 7: Expand and Manage Entire Customer Journey. Leveraging ubiquitous information about consumer history, activities, preferences and more from new Internet-enabled devices and real-time customer analytics, digital marketing becomes about a seamless, personalized experience across all channels and functional silos in an organization over the course of the customer lifecycle - from acquisition to post-login to all supporting employee experiences. In this new stage, trust is paramount and the foundation of consumer trust in the brand relationship rests on respect for consumer data transparency, privacy and protection. The dawn of Digital Experience Management [DXM]. Examples: Jahia Solutions [2016 to ?]
To lead the Third Wave, DX7 is the new name for our product suite to represent the 7th-generation platform tied to transforming digital customer experiences. This name - DX7 - reflects the new imperative for, and new solutions needed by, CMOs and CIOs to become digital leaders. The name highlights how this level of success can be achieved with agility in this new generation of digital marketing.
Correspondingly, our core Digital Factory platform has been renamed within the DX7 suite to Digital Experience Manager. The foundation of Digital Experience Manager is that it is a necessary platform for both marketing and IT to come together to truly transform the customer journey from acquisition to post-login to employee experiences.
The key to driving 7th-generation digital enterprise transformation and success is the unwavering focus on the customer experience, proactively designing beautiful customer journeys and bridging the traditional ‘gap’ between the CMO and CIO. And our new product logos reflect the digital connection between these aspects in terms of the range of color and in how they fit together.
You will notice that the three marketing-oriented products point to the right, while the three developer-oriented products point to the left; together, they meet to form a powerful connection point. They form an X to mark the total ‘eXperience’ spot. Each holds a portion of the
total solution; when they come together, the entire range of experience can be expressed and the results unparalleled in seamless symmetry. By having Jahia’s new product logos reflect the profound individuality and powerful connection needed to create the whole result, we support CMOs and CIOs in building a digital partnership that can completely transform the way their business is done.
Along with the name change, we updated the Jahia logo. Our new logo is designed to showcase the beauty and elegance of the customer journey with its natural ups and downs that create authentic experiences.
It is hard work to become customer-centric and deliver on outstanding experiences every time. It takes commitment to think about how to delight your customers each time they interact with each person and employee in your company. It takes perspective to see what can benefit your in-house users to perform at peak levels, supported by technology.
Much like climbing a mountain range, your customers can begin their journey with your company from different places and your employees will traverse the hills, valleys and edges of different mountains in their daily performance.
Essentially, the new Jahia logo mirrors the rugged, natural beauty of digital enterprise. It is designed to inspire elegance and remind us of the beauty in serving our customers as well as all that we do to help our customers to serve their communities over time.
And that’s what Jahia can help you create - the best, most optimized version of your digital enterprise which, in turn, benefits your customers and staff in their experiences with your brand every day.