Jahia & Smile : Make GDPR rhyme with opportunity

July 16, 2018
Julie Asselin

It has been almost two months since the new European regulation called GDPR came into effect. As a reminder, this one aims at reinforcing the protection of the personal data held by the companies. It also gives to the users concerned the right of transparency and modification on all the data stored by companies and recorded following the various interactions with the websites visited.

How to ensure the protection of personal data in my company?

What are the tools that allow me to comply with the GDPR?

To answer such questions, the Jahia team and the Smile group got together in the hotel "123 Sebastopol" in Paris to make GDPR rhyme with opportunity.

Smile has been a key partner for Jahia since 2005. In short, the Smile Group is one of the major digital players with 18 areas of expertise in France and Europe.

The evening began with a short presentation of Jahia and Smile and their partnership. Cerba then intervened to demonstrate the implementation of GDPR solutions and their management of personal data within their company. After this testimonial, Smile presented concrete solutions on the opportunity for companies to optimize the use of collected data. Finally, a live demonstration of Jahia Marketing Factory has proven the effectiveness and usefulness of this tool to become "GDPR compliant".

The evening ended in style with a cocktail dinner in a room decorated with the finest classics of French cinema.


Author : Julie Asselin